This is a phrase I find myself using on a regular basis as I go through my daily life. Does it apply to your practice? Many of the physicians that I meet proudly proclaim that they “have coverage” and are “happy with their broker.” The one response or question that I have for them is “what does that broker do for you to keep you happy?” One of the answers I anticipate but typically do not receive is that he or she annually surveys the market for options, coverage enhancements and best pricing available for their medical malpractice insurance. Medical practices are dynamic and the scopes of practice and needs changes on a regular basis. The points of coverage that worked for you 3-5 years ago may be antiquated or under covered by today’s standards. Pricing remains a key component of the decision and what seemed affordable by yesterday’s standards may not be as competitive now.
A medical liability insurance professional can demonstrate his value to his client through a thorough exploration of all options available to the practice and potentially enhance the coverage itself while also perhaps saving the practice in premium cost on their medical malpractice rates. eQuoteMD has a network of affiliated business professionals that may provide even more services to the practice in the interest of maximizing efficiencies and managing overhead. Long term disability coverage, general liability coverage, health insurance, medical supplies and many others are all “common thread” services that eQuoteMD’s network can provide.
Take a moment this year to review your medical malpractice insurance coverage. There are many options out there right now and many markets in this country are enjoying the monetary benefits of a “soft market” in the medical professional liability coverage industry. I think you might be happy that you were “just looking…”