In the world of tort reform caps, or statutory limits on non-economic damages in malpractice cases, are one of the oldest and most common approaches. However, these caps are also one of the most controversial methods of reigning in what many see as out of control and unbridled liability awards. We’ve talked about some of
What About Tail Coverage?
What Is It? Many healthcare professionals have questions about what medical malpractice tail coverage is and when it is necessary to have it. A simple definition of tail coverage or extended reporting endorsement is: A malpractice insurance rider or supplement to a claims-made policy that provides coverage for an incident that occurred while the insurance
READ MOREWhere does Your State Rank on the List of the Best Places to Practice Medicine?
Physicians often get fed up with their current working conditions and think about packing their bags for greener pastures. The frustrations of long hours, pressure from administrators, and ungrateful patients can cause anyone to think about a change of pace. But where would you go? What factors go into to making a city or state
READ MOREBuying Insurance After the Fire: Why Nobody Buys Cyber Liability Insurance
Mark Twain is famous for saying, “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” Unfortunately that is the plan most medical providers are following when it comes to protecting against Cyber Liability. It’s as if they’re all waiting to buy fire insurance after the fire has burned down
READ MORE5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Medical Malpractice Insurance
Knowing what to do and what to look for is important when it comes to obtaining medical malpractice insurance. However, what’s just as important, is knowing what not to do, and what kind of common mistakes to avoid. So, here are some mistakes that we have seen doctors make that we hope we can help
READ MORESummertime, Makes me Feel… Sick?
Summer is a time for fun in the sun but it’s also a time when certain injuries and illnesses are more common. Lots of time is spent outdoors, playing sports, playing in the woods, and in the water. We thought this would be a good time to review some of the most common injuries and
READ MORECommemorating Memorial Day with the Healthcare Community
Memorial Day is an annual holiday to honor all armed service personnel killed in wars in the defense of the United States of America. The third Monday of May is the official day when we all remember and recognize our fallen soldiers. We will never forget what these brave men and women have done for
READ MOREFive Bizarre Allergies You May Not Know About
Achoo! Spring time means it’s allergy season for a lot of people. The buds on the trees, the flowers opening up, and the beginning of grass cutting season often result in coughing, sneezing, and itching. It’s a yearly occurrence we’re all accustomed to, but in the vein of sharing some uncommon insights on an annual
READ MOREHow Are Medical Professional Liability Rates Determined?
Sometimes shopping for medical malpractice insurance rates can be confusing. If you are looking to purchase professional liability insurance you will quickly discover there are multiple options available with various costs and coverage levels. The hard thing to figure out is how insurance companies figure out their professional liability insurance rates for different policies. It
READ MORENeurosurgeons and Medical Malpractice Risk
Because of the risks involved, neurosurgeons face higher medical malpractice costs than many other physicians. The field of neurosurgery includes both spinal and cranial disorders related to vascular disease, pain, brain tumors, epilepsy, movement and behavioral disorders and trauma. Neurosurgeons diagnose and assess these conditions, which most often require surgical repair. The goal of neurosurgery