Many in the healthcare community are celebrating today. Yesterday, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015 (H.R.2), thus staving off a 21% decrease in Medicare reimbursement rates set to take effect today, April 15th. But this bill is different than what we’ve seen in the past,
Carrots and Sticks: Electronic Health Records, Meaningful Use, and Your Practice
Six years ago Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. With those pieces of legislation came major changes to the way doctors and other healthcare workers would process the information that they work with every day. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) or
READ MORETort Reform Update – Missouri Malpractice Damages Cap to be Reinstated?
While we’ve seen many states lose caps on non-economic damages to judicial review in recent years, Missouri is now one step closer to reinstating them. From 2005 to 2012 Missouri had a cap of $350,000 on non-economic damages (i.e. pain and suffering) in medical malpractice cases. However, in 2012 that cap was deemed to be
READ MORESpring Has Sprung and that Means a New Look for eQuoteMD!
Spring is upon us! Last weekend we set our clocks forward. The weather is starting to warm up. The plants are starting to bud. And with this changing of the seasons eQuoteMD has done some spring-cleaning. We thought it was time to freshen up a bit, update our look, and make an even better
READ MOREThe Doctors Company Releases Results of a Study on Malpractice Claims among Cardiologists
The Doctors Company, one of the largest medical professional liability insurance providers in the country, has recently released the results of a major study they’ve done analyzing malpractice claims brought against cardiologists. The authors of the study looked at 429 closed claims brought against cardiologists from 2007-2013 and analyzed both the types of claims brought
READ MOREClinical Decision Support Systems and Malpractice Risk
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) comprise one of the fastest growing and most widely discussed areas of Health Information Technology (HIT) in existence today. CDSSs have been defined as “active knowledge resource that uses patient data to generate case-specific advice which support decision making about individual patients by health professionals, the patients themselves or others concerned
READ MOREWhite Coat Rally for Tort Reform in Missouri
In July of 2012 the Missouri State Supreme Court ruled that limits on awards for non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits are unconstitutional. Prior to that ruling Missouri had a cap in place of $350,000, which had been signed into law by the Missouri legislature and, then Governor, Matt Blunt in 2005. Experts believe that
READ MOREPodiatrist Medical Malpractice Insurance
From time to time, we at eQuoteMD like to choose a particular specialty to address. Today we’re talking aboutpodiatry malpractice insurance, and we have one primary message: consider a specialized provider like the Podiatry Insurance Company of America (PICA). Podiatry is a specialty with unique risk management challenges best addressed by a podiatry malpractice insurance
READ MOREMedical Malpractice 2014 – Our Year End Review
It’s been a busy and exciting year for us here at eQuoteMD! As we come upon the holidays and the end of the year, we thought we’d review and remind you of some of the stories and articles we’ve published in 2014, and some of the themes that have been popular with our readers. In the spring
READ MOREWhat’s a Broker Good For?
It may seem like purchasing medical professional liability insurance should be as simple as looking at the options available to you and picking the cheapest one. And you can do that, but it’s not likely to get you the best policy for your needs, nor will it necessarily even save you the most money. The