In July of 2012 the Missouri State Supreme Court ruled that limits on awards for non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits are unconstitutional. Prior to that ruling Missouri had a cap in place of $350,000, which had been signed into law by the Missouri legislature and, then Governor, Matt Blunt in 2005. Experts believe that
Podiatrist Medical Malpractice Insurance
From time to time, we at eQuoteMD like to choose a particular specialty to address. Today we’re talking aboutpodiatry malpractice insurance, and we have one primary message: consider a specialized provider like the Podiatry Insurance Company of America (PICA). Podiatry is a specialty with unique risk management challenges best addressed by a podiatry malpractice insurance
READ MOREMedical Malpractice 2014 – Our Year End Review
It’s been a busy and exciting year for us here at eQuoteMD! As we come upon the holidays and the end of the year, we thought we’d review and remind you of some of the stories and articles we’ve published in 2014, and some of the themes that have been popular with our readers. In the spring
READ MOREWhat’s a Broker Good For?
It may seem like purchasing medical professional liability insurance should be as simple as looking at the options available to you and picking the cheapest one. And you can do that, but it’s not likely to get you the best policy for your needs, nor will it necessarily even save you the most money. The
READ MORECalifornia Damage Caps Not Out of the Woods Yet
If you thought that the defeat of Proposition 46 in the recent midterm elections signaled stability for California’s longstanding limits on noneconomic damage awards in medical malpractice cases you were wrong. On November 26, at the urging of Consumer Watchdog, the trial lawyer supported non-profit that was instrumental in funding the Proposition 46 campaign, the
READ MORE$200 Million Dollar Settlement along with Reforms in Pennsylvania Malpractice Fight, but State will Keep What it Took
Last month Governor Tom Corbett’s office announced a settlement to a years long dispute between groups representing doctors and hospitals and the Pennsylvania state government. In 2008 the Pennsylvania legislature, under then governor Ed Rendell, appropriated $100M from the state’s Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (Mcare) fund to the general fund to balance
READ MOREVoters Reject Proposition 46: No to Random Drug Testing and Raising the Damages Cap
California voters rejected Proposition 46 on Tuesday by a more than 2 to 1 margin. The ballot initiative, would have raised caps on noneconomic damages in malpractice cases from $250,000 to over $1M, required doctors to submit to random, state mandated drug and alcohol tests, and required doctors to utilize a state run database when
READ MOREElection Day is Coming Up – What will be the Fate of Proposition 46?
Proposition 46, what is it? Proposition 46 is an initiative that will be on the ballot in California this coming Tuesday, November 4. The initiative has garnered widespread attention from both critics and proponents. The most outspoken critics have been doctors, malpractice insurers, and others in the healthcare industry, while the most vociferous proponents have
READ MORESo… About Ebola
Okay, we had to go there, right? But don’t worry, this isn’t another piece on 10-Steps-to-Protect-Yourself-from-the-Coming-Pandemic, or 50-Things-You’re-More-Likely-to-Die-From-than-Ebola post. We just thought that Ebola is something that as healthcare professionals our readers will have a unique perspective on, and so maybe it’s worth discussing. As a professional in any field it’s always interesting, and often
READ MORENew Study Shows that Malpractice Reform has Little Impact… Or Does It?
A new study published by the Rand Corporation in the New England Journal of Medicine has many in the media aflutter with fresh pronouncements that reducing physicians’ risk of being sued doesn’t reduce defensive medicine and doesn’t save money. The study purports to show that in three states where reform was enacted certain variables, taken as indicators of defensive medicine, did not