We here at eQuoteMD had the opportunity this week to attend a HIPAA Workshop in St. Louis, Missouri sponsored by the Keane Insurance Group, Keystone IT Consulting, and the Sandberg Phoenix & Von Gontard law firm. The focus of this workshop was IT Security, specifically as it applies to the healthcare industry in light of HIPAA and other regulatory laws. While
Top Ten Online Tools for Doctors
Today we live in a world where an online presence isn’t just recommended, it’s a given. If you have any kind of business, practice, or other public presence you already have an online presence as well. Profiles are automatically generated by review sites, online yellow pages, and even Google. So the question is not whether
READ MOREEverybody Lies
Well, maybe not everyone, but as it turns out Dr. House’s mantra may be closer to the truth than we would hope. A recent survey conducted by EHR research group Software Advice found that a full 50% of patients surveyed admitted to at least sometimes lying to their physicians. That’s an enormous number, and it belies a
READ MOREKeane Group & NORCAL Mutual Partnering to Support Kansas City Physicians
The Keane Insurance Group, an eQuoteMD partner with offices in St. Louis, Kansas City, Austin, and LA, has recently partnered with one of the nation’s largest and most prominent medical professional liability insurance companies, NORCAL Mutual, to co-sponsor the Metropolitan Medical Association of Greater Kansas City (Metro Med KC). Metro Med defines their mission as, “Promoting
As I’m typing this, TEDMED 2014 is wrapping up. Most of us are familiar with TED, if nothing else via the occasional TED Talk that goes viral on social media. But building on TED’s tagline, “ideas worth spreading,” TEDMED describes itself as “a global community dedicated to unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine. Our goal is
READ MOREWhen Can a Patient Sue? Statutes of Limitations and Statutes of Repose
While thinking about a lawsuit probably isn’t at the top of anyone’s list of things they look forward to doing, it is something that, as a doctor, you want to have a certain amount of preparedness for. One of the things that’s important to know is, from a legal standpoint, who can and can’t bring
READ MOREProposition 46 Making Waves in California and Nationwide
The nation is watching as money begins to pour into campaigns for, and especially against, a ballot initiative called Proposition 46 which is set to be on the November 4th ballot in California. The initiative would do three things: It would raise the caps on non-economic damages in malpractice cases from $250,000 to $1.1M. It
READ MOREWhy Telemedicine? What is the Future of the Virtual Appointment?
With the recent push to achieve “meaningful use” of EHR, the advent of Accountable Care Organizations, increasing numbers of patients, and other effects of the Accountable Care Act telemedicine is becoming more common and more necessary than ever. But what is telemedicine exactly? The American Telemedicine Association defines it as follows: “The use of medical
READ MOREWisconsin Malpractice in the News
Wisconsin has been in the news quite a bit lately with stories related to healthcare and particularly malpractice. In many ways the state’s situation presents a microcosm of a number of the questions and contradictions at issue in states all across the U.S. From debates about informed consent to available representation and fair compensation, incentives,
READ MORECan “Meaningful Use” Improve the Quality of Healthcare?
It’s no secret that Americans spend more money on healthcare than any other developed nation in the world. But does spending more money equate to higher quality healthcare? According to a recent publication by the Commonwealth Fund, it does not. In fact the report, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care