Looking Back on a Great 2013 and Ahead to an Exciting 2014 It’s hard to believe it, but with Christmas right around the corner, the end of another year is upon us. And it’s been a great year for our team at eQuoteMD. We achieved numerous milestones in terms of meeting the malpractice insurance needs of physicians
What the Growing Role of Nurses Means for Risk Management
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, one effect of the increasing number of patients in the health care system is a greater reliance on nurse practitioners. With an aging population of baby-boomers and now the addition of millions to the ranks of the insured as a result of the ACA, combined with a static or
READ MOREWhat’s the Future for Obamacare?
So, what is going to happen with Obamacare? When will it finally come into full effect? Will it come into full effect? What will it mean for doctors? For medical malpractice premiums and coverage? There are the predictions – pro and con – that analysts have been debating since 2009. The optimists remind us that
READ MOREDoctor Appreciation – An Open Thank You
I recently read a couple of articles that really gave me pause. One was an appeal from a young doctor to those in Washington responsible for the creation of public policy. His burden was to help the lobbyists, special interests, and especially politicians understand the long and arduous path to becoming a physician in contemporary America, and what that
READ MOREWhat’s so great about Shakespeare? What’s so great about eQuoteMD?
Before getting into medical malpractice insurance, I was a high school English teacher. In my 10th grade British Lit class, I had the privilege of teaching some of Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays every year. I say it was a privilege because I love Shakespeare and enjoyed teaching a variety of his works: Julius Caesar, Macbeth,
READ MOREMedical Liability Rates and the Truth About Malpractice Premiums
In our last post we did a quick overview of the numbers from this year’s annual malpractice insurance rate survey put out by Medical Liability Monitor. There, we saw that the trend of static to declining rates continued for 2013 as it has for the past several years. Today, we’re going to step back from the
READ MOREDeclining Rates for Medical Liability Insurance
Good News for Doctors (and Insurers) According to a recent poll from Medical Liability Monitor—a malpractice insurance trade newsletter—the medical professional liability insurance industry has experienced yet another year of declining rates across the U.S., the eighth such year in a row. Medical Liability Monitor publishes the results of a comprehensive poll that includes 75% or more of
READ MORETips for Preventing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit – Document It!
Over at the Monthly Prescribing Reference (MPR) website, the story is told of a doctor who was sued by a patient in a situation where there was, in fact, a less than ideal outcome, but not due to fault or malpractice on the part of the doctor or any health professional. The MPR article uses this story to make the point
READ MORECan Midwives Help Fill the Gap Left by a Shortage of Ob/Gyns?
Wow, our recent post on the growing shortage of ob/gyns and the possibility that it points to a broader trend really sparked a lot of interest. One of the things that several of our readers commented on was the potential role of midwives in mitigating some of this shortage, so I thought we’d spend a little time
READ MOREIs The Growing Shortage of Ob/Gyns a Sign of Things to Come?
It’s no secret that the shortage of ob/gyns relative to need in the U.S. isn’t what it should be. There simply aren’t enough doctors in the field, and certainly not enough willing to do deliveries and high-risk procedures to meet even the current demand. But the bigger questions are, 1.) will this trend continue? and,