Over the years, I have seen significant decision in practice management come and go, some being made by exhaustive research and others through simply avoiding the decision hoping it would pass then make itself. Remember Y2K, electronic billing, even your first purchase of practice management software? I recently sat through a live risk management seminar put
The Medical Malpractice Debate is Deadlocked over Accountability Issues
The recent Congressional debate related to the nation’s debt ceiling was reminiscent of the furor over skyrocketing medical malpractice premiums and the need for some type of “ceiling” to cap costs and remove accountability entirely from the process. As with any complex problem, if there were a simple solution, then it would have been implemented
READ MOREHow Medical Liability of Doctors is Affected by Using Social Media
There is no question that most of the American population is a part of at least one social networking site. Social media is a great source for people acquiring news, knowledge, and communities. However, social media can also hurt the career and personal lives of the people who use it. With literally nothing off limits,
READ MOREWhat Communication Should I Expect From My Defense Counsel?
The communication between defense counsel is a critical component of a successful defense of a medical malpractice claim. The defendant-physician can play a pivotal role in directing defense counsel to witnesses, medical literature, theories, and experts. The challenge for the defendant-physician is how to establish the expectations for communication with defense counsel during the progress
READ MOREApproval of Incentives for Proficient Healthcare
Inspired by incentives in the federal health-overhaul law, doctors and hospitals all over the country are starting to come up with new entities that target more affordable health insurance. However, their efforts are already cause for concern because many people question if it is truly a way to save money, or if it will in fact
READ MOREUsability in the EHR World
With more and more physicians adopting electronic health records (EHR), the next great frontier is ensuring the new tools are used in the most safe and efficient manner. And, as with most products, not every EHR system is created equal. According to a recent article in the New York Times, that’s why the Obama administration
READ MOREAdditional Medical Liability Insurance Exposure of Physician Assitants
As the shortages of doctor’s increase and use of mid-levels are on the rise, are physicians heading toward increasing their medical liability risks without knowing it? Doctors are faced daily with the increasing needs of patients and less time to assist on day to day issues. With reimbursements down and revenues declining there is a need
READ MOREMissouri Senate Bill 302 Debacle Raises Ethical Questions, but Misses Bigger Picture
Jefferson City has come under fire for a story that broke a few weeks ago. Questions pertaining to a conflict of interest and accusations of ethical oversight in regards to Senate Bill 302 have lit up news tickers across the state, compelling the elected inhabitants of the Missouri State Capital, and their constituents, to start
READ MOREJoplin Physicians Persevere to Rebuild Health Care System
As a medical malpractice insurance broker in the Southwest Missouri area, I have traveled many times to meet with, engage in conversation and even relax and enjoy a good meal with the physicians of Joplin. For twelve years I have visited this thriving town of over 50,000 and it has become like my own town,
READ MOREMedical Directors Need Medical Liability Insurance Too
Medical Directors generally are involved in credentialing, ensuring regulatory compliance, developing protocol and procedures, supervising ancillary personnel, coordinating medical care, providing patient care oversight, chart review, and other administrative duties. In this role, a physician takes on a great deal of responsibility; a Medical Director has greater risk of liability than one might realize which leads to