Why bother with EHR if you won’t get the stimulus money? There are a million reasons why… I’m always surprised when I hear physicians talk about rejecting an electronic health record for their practice. Many of them are used to the old ways of paper, and reluctant to join the new world order. That I
Receiving a Medical Malpractice Insurance Claim
Medical practices today strive to provide the highest quality services to their patients. Unfortunately mistakes happen and not all patients are satisfied with the outcome of their medical situation. This is why physicians, surgeons, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other medical providers carry physician malpractice insurance. The unfortunate side of our industry is when a physician
READ MOREPhysician Malpractice Insurance Premium Savings and Deductibles
With all of the extra expenses physicians’ medical practices face today, and the many cuts to reimbursements such as Medicare and Medicaid, doctors are in need of ways to save premium dollars on their physician malpractice insurance. Can a deductible on your medical malpractice insurance policy truly save money or is there a catch? Educate yourself on these options and
READ MOREInternet Access and Medical Liability Insurance
While the internet offers us so much access to the medical information we need at our fingertips, one has to wonder “Does this mean that we have too much information?” With a click of a mouse button we have information about which physician or surgeon can take care of our medical condition, how they should
READ MOREOrthopedic Surgeon Malpractice Insurance
Orthopedic surgery or, orthopedics as it is commonly referred to, is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and nonsurgical treatments for musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders. Surgeon malpractice insurance is extremely important in the orthopedics field and there are many different factors these physicians need to take into account. Medical
READ MOREYour Medical Malpractice Insurance Claim History or Loss Run
The calculation of premiums for medical malpractice insurance has many facets that contribute to the bottom line cost to the physician. But did you realize that medical malpractice insurance cases, even when they are not taken to settlement can be costly to an insurer? One of the many variables of premium calculation is the doctors medical malpractice
READ MOREPhysicians Medical Malpractice Insurance Financials
One of the most crucial measures and considerations of selecting a new medical malpractice insurance carrier is financial strength and long term viability. One of the things that the financial crises of 2008 reminded us of is that even the biggest companies are vulnerable to financial catastrophe. There are many outside entities and measures, such as A.M.
READ MOREAnesthesiologists – Importance of Medical Malpractice Insurance
Recently, I was with a family member in St. Johns Hospital in St. Louis, MO as she was being prepped for surgery. A young doctor walked into the room whose confidence and outgoingness prompted me to immediately peg him as a “Type A Personality.” After a few minutes of small talk, he hooked my family member up
READ MOREKeeping Great Staff is Not All About Pay
We all worry about paying medical staff employees fairly. But let’s face it; there’s always a higher paying job out there somewhere. It is critical to make sure your physician medical practice is competitive in the marketplace in terms of pay and benefits, but focusing on the small things could make all the difference in
READ MOREHow to Prepare for Your Physician Malpractice Insurance Renewal
60 Days Before Renewal Request loss run reports or claims history reports from all previous medical liability insurance carriers for at least the last 5 to 10 years. Note: This should be done even if you have never been sued or filed a malpractice claim as proof that you have never had a claim.. Gather copies